Vandenberg Village NewsLocal news for Vandenberg Village, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Vandenberg AFB Protest- March 7, 2008 On Sunday, March 2, a group of 152 gathered on the Central Coast at the main gate of Vandenberg AFB to commemorate 25 years of ICBM resistance at Vandenberg. via La Imc Star Wars Protest: Vandenberg Air Force Base- March 5, 2008 "What I did at Vandenberg was more heroic than anything I did in Germany." VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, CA: On the 25th anniversary of the ICBM program at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, activists gathered to march and rally in support of nuclear disarmament in outer space. via La Imc VAFB Protest- March 3, 2008 Military police had signs covered to protect them from potential vandalism. Barriers were also up to keep people from trespassing onto the base. via MyFOX11 |