Vandenberg Village NewsLocal news for Vandenberg Village, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Vandenberg Village Rotary holds retreat- May 29, 2008 The Vandenberg Village Rotary Club held a retreat on May 24 for 2008-2009 officers and directors at the Del Norte Mobile Estates Clubhouse. The June 3 Primary IS Important- May 26, 2008 Thinking of staying home for the June 3 primary Too much trouble to go to the polls and there is nothing important on the ballot anyway Think again. For 3rd District Supervisor: Doreen Farr- May 16, 2008 Of the county's five supervisorial districts, none are so difficult, so contradictory, and so critical to the overall direction of county government as the 3rd District, which encompasses much of the Goleta ... via Santa Barbara Independent |