Als NewsNews on Als continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Government can help fight ALS- July 23, 2008 We support efforts by many, including at least one local resident, to establish a national registry of people with Lou Gehrig's disease. Patient seeks ALS database- July 21, 2008 The wheels on Bob Schmehl's walker move slowly as he takes tiny - though determined - steps through his living room. Living With ALS for the World to See- July 17, 2008 Ben Byer was 31 when he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, and given two to five years to live. ABC News 4 - Helping Veterans with ALS- July 15, 2008 For years, only veterans of the Gulf War suffering from ALS were provided maximum benefits from the department of Veterans Affairs. Day by day- July 14, 2008 ALS is a progressive degenerative neurological disorder that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Manfred Borstelmann, 64, of Kinnelon, died Wednesday, July 9, at his summer home in Mantaloking- July 11, 2008 MANFRED BORSTELMANN, 64, of Kinnelon, died Wednesday, July 9, at his summer home in MANTALOKING, after a courageous battle with ALS. UMass Memorial Doctor, Nurse, Recognized by MDA- July 7, 2008 Richard S. Irwin, MD and Cynthia T. French, NP, MS of UMass Memorial Health Care were awarded the MDA Lou Gehrig Humanitarian Award by the Muscular Dystrophy Association for their work providing ... Looking for answers to an incurable disease- July 3, 2008 There's no shortage of charity golf outings that do incredible things within communities and make a difference in people's lives with the money raised. |