Als NewsNews on Als continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Adult Stem Cells to treat ALS- June 30, 2008 Adult Stem Cells to treat ALS: UBC Study Vancouver researchers pioneer safe pathway to slow ALS using stem cells A unique pilot study has established a safe pathway for using bone-marrow stem cells to slow down ... Human Cord Blood May Help ALS Patients- June 28, 2008 U.S. researchers say they have slowed the progress of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease in mice, using cells from umbilical cord blood. Another Stem Cell Disinformation Alert- June 27, 2008 Thursday, June 26, 2008 The promoters of embryonic stem cell enterprises continue to tout soon to come "breakthroughs" accompanied by supine media coverage and inaccurate statements by "the scientists" who ... Transplants of mononuclear human umbilical cord blood may help Lou Gehrig's patients- June 25, 2008 A study at the University of South Florida has shown that transplants of mononuclear human umbilical cord blood cells may help patients suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , also known as Lou Gehrig's ... New Device helps ALS patients breathe easier- June 24, 2008 Building a home with his own hands. That was the dream of Ernie Lorenz. But symptoms of ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, made it difficult for Lorenz to hold a hammer. Centerville native faces greatest test of faith - battling ALS- June 21, 2008 Rev. Vaughn Wright and his wife, Nancy, face the daily challenges of an ALS diagnosis with profound faith, a loving family and a generous and caring church community. Greensboro Teacher Battles Lou Gehrig's Disease- June 19, 2008 It started with a twitch in his arm. Three years later, Joe Bozovich, who suffers from ALS, can barely move his body. The constant companion: Michelle Conrady-Brown's life with ALS- June 13, 2008 "It is with me every moment of every day. I can never escape it. Everything I do reminds me of my condition. Glendora teen uses new perspective to raise ALS awareness- June 11, 2008 Suneeta Israni started the ALS Club at Glendora High School after her father was diagnosed with ALS. Founders' Day race raises $4,000 for ALS- June 8, 2008 Nick Jackson was the overall winner of the 2-mile Fun RunWalk hosted by Summerfield Family Chiropractic in conjunction with Summerfield's annual Founders' Day celebration on May 17. |