Are We Going to Nuke Iran- July 29, 2005 Following some RSS feeds today, I ran across this from Pat Buchanan's magazine, The American Conservative. It is not online, but I know it is there because I have the print issue. It reads:The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney's office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to Judgment Day- July 27, 2005 What is the history of the struggle over control of the US Supreme Court And what effect has it had in the ongoing culture war Pat Buchanan answers these questions in this column from his magazine, The American Conservative. Buchanan Writes on CAFTA- July 27, 2005 America is losing its national sovereignty because of international trade agreements that are good for multinational corporations, but bad for the nation. Why are these trade agreements bad for the nation Because they are bankrupting us. They are making us into a debtor nation. But mostly they are bad for us because once our national sovereignty is gone, who is going to protect our Top Ten Reasons You Should Fear Searches- July 25, 2005 Here is a column at the libertarian website, Lew, about the recent mass transit searches in New York City. Is this the rise of a totalitarian police state What about our God-given and inalienable rights as protected by the Bill of Rights Are false "conservatives" waging this war on terror to overturn our freedoms I hope not, but I'm worried about these searches. They violate Will the USA, Canada and Mexico Be Merged- July 13, 2005 It may happen by 2010 if certain members of the Council on Foreign Relations have their way. Read their plan, Building a North American Community, on their website. Consider the implications of unlimited movement of goods, services and labor across our borders with both Canada and Mexico. What would happen to our national sovereignty How could the Constitution and Bill of Rights continue to Are US Taxpayers Funding Nuclear Proliferation- July 13, 2005 In the new issue of The American Conservative Timothy P. Carney is claiming just that in his article, Aid and Comfort. Wouldn't it be ironic if some day we learn that the Chinese have turned against us after all that we have done to help them become a major military power in the Far East We could actually find ourselves being attacked by weapons and technology that we gave them. Some have Are the Downing Street Memos Fake- July 4, 2005 A number of blogs are reporting the possibility. Little Green Footballs Moonbat Central Richard Poe Why I am (Probably) a Paleoconservative- July 4, 2005 "Richard Poe is Investigative Editor for David Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture, as well as Managing Editor of Horowitz's group blog Moonbat Central. He is a New York Times-bestselling author and journalist whose blog appears at Poe's latest book is Hillarys Secret War: The Clinton Conspiracy to Muzzle Internet Journalists."Here Richard Poe explains why he is Marcus Epstein- July 4, 2005 Here is a website that seems to have some great paleoconservative links listed. I'll report later when I've had time to read some of his essays and articles. Apparently he is published in the American Conservative and other paleoconservative magazines. Voices in the Wilderness:.... of the "Paleoconservative" Spectrum- July 4, 2005 By: David Wilkinson Traditional Conservatives, a.k.a. Paleoconservatives, think of their movement, as the term paleoconservatism implies, as the older, classical incarnation of conservatism, dating back to Edmund Burke. In reality, as has been noted by a number of recent reviews on the subject, paleoconservatism is a distinct movement originated in the '80s as a reaction to neoconservatism. |