Unionville NewsLocal news for Unionville, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Man passes counterfeit $20s- March 11, 2008 MIDDLETOWN State Police at Middletown are investigating the passing of counterfeit $20 bills on Sunday, March 9, at the End of the Line Deli and Horler's Deli in the Village of Unionville. via Mid-Hudson Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/unionville-ny/2008/03/man-passes-counterfeit-20s?fromrss=1 State to issue 13 courts grants for renovations- March 8, 2008 Thirteen justice courts in Orange and Sullivan counties have been awarded between $500 to $30,000 in state grants toward renovations. via Middletown Times Herald Recordhttp://www.topix.net/city/unionville-ny/2008/03/state-to-issue-13-courts-grants-for-renova... |