Unionville NewsLocal news for Unionville, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Man rescued after ditch caves in- May 16, 2008 "I agree. John is a cheap, egotistical, bastard. He would probably charge you for a take out container if you had slices left from your dinner. When..." Hundreds of village residents spilled into the streets, climbed trees and peered out of windows to get a better view of the house at 154 Acres Road last night. via Recordonline.com - The Times Herald-R...http://www.topix.net/city/unionville-ny/2008/05/man-rescued-after-ditch-caves-in?fromrss=1 Trials and Tribulations: Counterfeiting duo tore through Orange- May 3, 2008 On March 9, a college-age man, about 6 foot 2 with close-cropped dark hair, took a ride around Orange County buying lottery tickets with a wallet full of fake $20 bills. via RecordOnline.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/unionville-ny/2008/05/trials-and-tribulations-counterfeiting-duo... |