ASCII by Jason ScottJason Scott's Semi-Updated Journal of Computer History Musings.Engagements- May 31, 2008 I am speaking at DEFCON this year. It'll be about text adventures, my documentary, and hopefully some example footage from the new film. That's in August. No idea what day within that, and more than once the daytime's been changed in the program, then changed once more. So not much details other than it'll be in Las Vegas. See you there. I've decided not to propose a talk to HOPE, even if it's the last one, as they claim. I can't think of anything good for that crowd (Saving Digital History... Escaping The Escapist- May 28, 2008 Recently, Escapist Magazine won one of those most chummy of awards, the Webby. I can't pretend to know the exact manner and approach the "Webbys" take to choosing the winner of each set of candidates, but no doubt votes and cries from the web-browsing public are somewhat involved. I will contend that the reason for Escapist's victory in these awards is due to one thing only: Zero Punctuation. I will go even further than that, to make it clear that the only reason The Escapist exists... How It Goes- May 26, 2008 It goes like this. Outside of my health, I have to maintain items in three realms: data, physical, and mental. In the realm of data, that's things like e-mail, files, disk drives, sets, and the arrangement of these therein. I might have an inbox that makes your eyes water or a pair of terabyte hard drives in need of synchronization, or maybe it's something as simple as knowing which bookmarks should really be deleted or grouped together. Since it's not inherently obvious when you're sitting... Last Health Update for a While- May 24, 2008 Surely, these health updates of mine are getting old and tired. Like me. I should put a "is deadnot yet dead" status message somewhere and leave it at that. I don't have the will to add a current health statusstatistic "widget" thing, either. Widgets, by the way, are a classic textbook example of someone not understanding internet technology enough to realize the outcome of their actions. Hey, I may be out of shape but I'm still critical and feisty. My Wii Fit arrived on... |