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Feed items 1 - 10 of 11 for June 2008

ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Semi-Updated Journal of Computer History Musings.

Hacker Photos, 1990-1993 - June 24, 2008

While adding a bunch of CD-ROM images to the site, I found one of them, "Forbidden Subjects 3", contained a nice selection of "Hacker GIFs", otherwise known as "Photos". These all date to the 1990-1993 period and appear to be primarily from ATDT, a hacker BBS in Massachusetts that was one of the inspirations for what would eventually become "The L0pht". Here is the Flickr set. I haven't particularly made an effort to remove duplicates...

The Boutique Website - June 23, 2008

What a marketer, sales weasel, or heavily persuasive speaker seeks to do when they seemingly coin a word or phrase out of the air is own it. Ideally, this word or phrase might be a term already in use (but not quite universal), so they can manipulate the conversation into a direction where they dictate the inherent meaning and usefulness of the word to their own ends. When Apple computer took the word podcast from the cat-fighting Dave Winer and Adam Curry and made it a default selection in...

Cascade - June 22, 2008

A bunch of stuff got moved ahead over the weekend. The office from which I do most of my stuff, received an (announced) visit by none other than Koz of rsync, an old buddy. He'd not seen the new office, so I wanted to make a good impression and used this as an excuse to clean the sucker utterly. Doing this revealed a bunch of CDs and a long-promised project to copy for my buddy Gene, so... ..I then started copying a bunch of CDs over to, which resulted in the...

Wherein June 19th Gives You Tidings - June 19, 2008

Greetings and hello. As you've no doubt recognized, with these summer months have come a slowdown of weblog entries. While I had time, scant time, to write some helpful andor entertaining entries on a daily or near-daily basis, I really am just too busy to do that right now, and I absolutely refuse to fall in with the "list of links with pithy one-liners" crowd, choosing instead to just focus on the weblog's style of essays and considerations. A few short items have come to my...

Midphase's New Goat Herders - June 17, 2008

This letter came in, in response to this weblog entry. Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:00:06 -0500 From: Nick Nelson To: Subject: Maybe Midphase used to blow goats.. Hi Jason. First, name's Nick Nelson, I'm part of the UK2 Group who recently (within the last 7 months) purchased, as well as the rest of the family, and made various other acquistions throughout the hosting industry. It bothers me - that your review, is listed so highly in google.. while I have no doubt..

OH HEY HOW YA DOING - June 11, 2008

I am on Facebook, that umpteenth generation networking site that has benefited from the bones and corpses of all the sites before it. I have been using it for some time, and like all of these contemporary creations, I am taken with the complexity of them, as well as what is annoying. Some very old lessons have been learned and so use of the site is enjoyable. I am pleased with the contextual link-pasting; the Facebook will browse the other end of a link and download whatever images are there,...

Temporarily Deleted - June 10, 2008

Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:22:16 -0400 From: bobby bobby To: Subject: Certain textfile temporarily deleted. Hello jason, i would first like to say textfiles is a very useful and interesting website. I have used this specific article (http:www.textfiles.comreportsecology.rpt) for a biology report, and to my unfortunate conclusion and past attempts, it is susceptible to plagiarism findings by a search engine as simple as google. Being a secure and conscientious teacher, she...

Talk Corrections, Weekend Connections - June 9, 2008

Two corrections to an entry I did a little while ago about talks I gave this year. The first is that I forgot to mention Shmoocon, which I also attended and gave a talk at. An ironic thing, considering I recently added all the talks from the 2008 Shmoocon to my collection. The talk was on my footage recorded while at Mammoth Cave Park, and specifically the Bedquilt Cave. It was fun, although I look like living hell and am very tired. (I actually napped on couches in the hallway, because my...

Things My Users Have Taught Me - June 5, 2008

By users, of course, I mean the many fine millions who have browsed TEXTFILES.COM and its sites over the years. It can be really frustrating that the bandwidth seems so slow, so you better open 30-60 simultaneous connections via your Internet2-ready connection in Europe and get all the files at once before it slows down more. is awesome. What it really needs, however, is javascript, ads, and everything else that makes a reasonable person abandon web-browsing as a...

Yes. - June 4, 2008

The problem with filmmaking is that everyone has advice but a lot of advice is specific to that filmmaker. Sometimes people have general ideas that are probably of use to a set of folks, like how to do cheap-ass dolly shots or cheap-ass lightsaber effects. But other times, the big questions like "how do you edit" and "how do you sell it" are all kind of different for different goals. My documentaries have not (up to this point) been things where I write out the answers and...
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