todd hoff: Stupid Human ProgrammingTalk on software development.Sympathy Scoble Link- January 28, 2007 Sympathy Scoble Linkhttp:scobleizer.com20070128pissing-off-the-blogosphereHope that helps. Efficient Team Interaction Protocol: ACK Three Times for Every NAK- January 18, 2007 Efficient Team Interaction Protocol: ACK Three Times for Every NAK (The Rule of Three)Which interaction in a design meeting do you think will turn out the best resultsScenario 1: Alpha Geek A: That is the stupidest idea I've ever seen. Only an idiot could think up that idea. Alpha Geek B: What you do mean It worked on my other projects and it's based on proven patterns. Alpha Geek A: This project is much more demanding. It has to scale infinitely and cost nothing to deploy. . |