todd hoff: Stupid Human ProgrammingTalk on software development.Copernicus is My Favorite Pattern- June 30, 2007 Copernicus is My Favorite PatternIn interviews it's common to ask "What's your favorite and least favorite pattern" My usual answer for favorite pattern is "keep separate things separate." It's a bit meta which allows me to talk about a few design principles that are dear to me. My least favorite pattern is the wretched visitor pattern because it binds together different parts of an application that have no business even knowing about each other. It creates a BLOB.After having read "It... All the world is a DOM. The rise of Identity Based Programming.- June 20, 2007 All the world is a DOM. The rise of Identity Based Programming.In the past few years we've seen a huge rise of successful systems built following a Document Object Model (DOM) type of architecture. By that I mean: open systematized models of complex domains that are easy for applications to specialize and extend in a cooperative manner.This approach has quickly taken over the tradition libary + statically compiled language paradigm in amazing products like Eclipse, Aspect Oriented Programming... |