A Collection of Software Marketing Articles and Marketing TipsMarketing Articles and Industry News. Get an edge on your competition by increasing your marketing. <br> Collection of articles focus on online marketing and software promotion.What is The Long Tail- May 5, 2006 The phrase "The Long Tail" was first used in 2004 by Chris Anderson a writer for Wired Magazine. Anderson used the phrase to describe business models. The article initially referencing The Long Tail referred to the fact that a small handful of blogs have a large number of links pointing to them, while millions of smaller blogs have only a handful of links. Chris Anderson described the effects of the long tail on business models and argued that products that are in a low demand can effectively...http://www.softwaremarketingresource.com/the-long-tail.htm The Tipping Point- May 5, 2006 I recently attended the PubCon conference in Boston. Malcolm Gladwell the author of The Tipping Point and Blink was the keynote speaker. He was very engaging and raised some very interesting points. The book, The Tipping Point, in part discusses the concept of connectors and mavens, and how they bring about change. Connectors are those unique individuals who have an uncanny connection to an unbelievable number of other people. They typically cultivate relationships and grow extensive networks.http://www.softwaremarketingresource.com/tipping-point.htm Google Paranoia- May 2, 2006 While any of that information independent of other data, might be non-threatening or irrelevant to someone doing analysis, when combined with other data Google has access to, it can paint a very clear picture of how, not only individual companies are performing, but the aggregate data could possibly paint a picture of how entire business sectors or industries are performing. Google Paranoiahttp://www.softwaremarketingresource.com/google-paranoia.htm Organic Search Engine Optimization- May 2, 2006 The fabled tales of successfully tricking search engines into high rankings have given way to a new truth, to achieve decent consistent ranking you cannot engage in tricks but on focused optimization done in a professional ethical manner. According to search sources, with the latest Google update, there is no longer an even playing field when it comes to search placement. Organic SEOhttp://www.softwaremarketingresource.com/organic-seo.htm Press Release Tips- May 1, 2006 While controversial issues frequently attract attention they can also alienate potential customers. Sometimes it is better to put a positive spin on public relations. A typical press release announces new leadership, products or services, but consider mixing it up a bit. A well written press release can be published increasing brand recognition and exposure. Press Release Tipshttp://www.softwaremarketingresource.com/pr-tips.htm |