Attract Wild Birds - How to Get More Backyard Birds to Your Garden or Bird FeedersBackyard bird information for people who want to attract more wild birds. Includes types of birds, bird pictures, feeding and identifying wild birds, bird houses and baths, as well as backyard habitats and bird watching.Blue Bird Identification- April 28, 2005 Wild Bird Neighbors - An Introduction to 150 Birds Commonly Found in Nearby Gardens, Meadows, and Woods. Predominantly Blue Birds Eastern Bluebird Indigo Bunting Belted Kingfisher Blue Jay Blue Grosbeak ...and more! Learn the personality types, banding and coloration specifics on these popular blue or blue-toned birds. Example: Eastern Bluebird The bluebird is not always a migrant, except in the more northern portions of the country. Some representatives there are always with us, but... Attract Wild Birds and Song Birds by Giving them What They Need!- April 23, 2005 That's what I wanted in my own backyard! I swear I stood drooling over their fence most days like a kid at a candy store window. Face it, wouldn't you love to have busy backyard bird feeders with a wide variety of birds and butterflies fluttering about You can you know... |