Attract Wild Birds - How to Get More Backyard Birds to Your Garden or Bird FeedersBackyard bird information for people who want to attract more wild birds. Includes types of birds, bird pictures, feeding and identifying wild birds, bird houses and baths, as well as backyard habitats and bird watching.Identify A Wild Bird At Your Feeder- September 11, 2005 AttractWildBirds is a North American (USA and Canada) bird information site. Wild bird identification isn't always something that can be done online from a web page, but hopefully you'll find some tips and bird photos that will help you identify any wild birds that arrive at your feeder. If you live outside of North America, you might like to check out a new site that lists wild birds by country at www.BirdVacations.com Back Yard Bird Watchers- September 2, 2005 Are you watching birds in your garden or at your feeder It's a great past time, but sooner or later you'll find a longing for more information on the birds you see. is being created for you! Articles discuss the variety of ways to observe, feed and house birds in your own backyard. |