The Axis of StevilNational Local Art movement, Comics, Flash, Creative, FUN!YOU GOTTA DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO- (Found August 15, 2008 ) The modern work force, while diligent and readily available, does not produce the same caliber of employee that can be found in the Animal Kingdom. The Axis of Stevil, in a service to greaten the public's awareness, has started the "Lighter Side of Animal Testing" Campaign. With continued support, the preconceived notions and stereotypes of animal testing labs will be removed from our culture. Take the rabbit for example it has a natural intrinsic work ethic. From its birth the rabbit... FACT No. 1040EZ- (Found August 15, 2008 ) it is written, behind every evil-billy goat eating-Troll, there is a crack team of accountants working diligently around the clock to keep a murderous troll's finances in order. Trolls and other ancient races are considered exempt from the laws of man. Thusly, any Deaths or Property Damage caused by trolls attacks leave victims with little recourse beyond filling an insurance claim. To keep track of all their plundering and help them plan for the future, Trolls keep in their entourage only the.. Stevil : Adventures in Abstraction- (Found August 15, 2008 ) StEvil loosely follows the coming and goings of two astute yet seemingly inept young demons as they try to make some sense of the world they were cast into. Stevil Wall of Energy- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Mixed media, Trippy walls Happy Hours- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Mixed media tri-tone Smash!- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Rough day at work Picture your slave driving boss, Picture your obnoxious co-worker. don't go postal... SMASH! AND E. WARPLANE- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Photography PERSONAL LAGOMORPH ASSISTANT v1.0!- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Constructed from the finest in Jackrabbit technology and design, the PLA is extremely durable and built to withstand the tests of time. Move over fiddo! the PLA is here to stay! Somebody light this monkey!- (Found August 15, 2008 ) There are many things in this world we take for granted. All too often we view the world as being unchangeable; "Just the way it is". Take, for instance, the Military Industrial Complex, you know that it will defend you while you sleep, drop bombs on the enemies, and breathe during your phone conversations. What nobody realizes is that behind the scenes, there are minds toiling endlessly to think up the next great idea in anti-gravity propulsion, aeronautics and SBD olfactoric weaponry. More... UFNs Exposed!- (Found August 15, 2008 ) According to Stevil Census Data, the second most well known conspiracy theory is the notion that Catholic nuns have the ability to fly. While the thought of these Unidentified Flying Nuns (UFN) seems preposterous to some, it is believed by many to be a fact. Speculation still remains as to how the Nuns acquired this ability; do they command powers given to them by god Are nuns actually agents of an alien race left as crowd control for the human masses Whatever the source, UFNs are said to be... |