The Axis of StevilNational Local Art movement, Comics, Flash, Creative, FUN!time travling police telephones- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Learning to make decisions is an important part of growing up. Train the young and the young at heart, to make the best decisions in life by reading The Axis of Stevil Escoja Un Sendero Adventure Series, These exciting adventures will show how many infinite possibilities of adventure can be created from a simple mistake. Only you can choose, your own adventure! AND THEY SAID IT COULDNT BE DONE . . .!- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Logs CAN ski 14 WINTER FASHION TIPS.- (Found August 15, 2008 ) HASBEEN MAGAZINE: Dress it right, or pay the price! SOLO SYNCRONIZED SWIMMING SPECTACLE- (Found August 15, 2008 ) media: pumpkin in water Featured Steve: STEVE WILLMONT- (Found August 15, 2008 ) This illustrious company is founded on the principle that everyone can be successful and have a voice to speak their ideas, even people as plain as the name given to millions of people each year, Steve! Every so often, the Axis of Stevil takes pleasure in shining the proverbial spotlight on a Steve who shows excellence in their field. Read more at www.axisofstevil.com UNSOLVED ENIGMAS- (Found August 15, 2008 ) The death of media mogul and rodent trainer, David Seville, is one of southern California's most unsolved of mysteries. His whereabouts have been unknown for more then six years. The efforts put into finding him have all but vanished, from a taskforce of 200 to now just one Dade County cop who swore his life to close the case, Steve Willmont. With David's many successes as the manager of an upright yard animal show and diamond smuggling cartel kingpin, he had great influence in many world... RUG'BURNZ- (Found August 15, 2008 ) The Axis of Stevil, acting in the public's best interest, has committed itself to expose the darkest holes and seediest dens of this world's lesser known underside. When confronting a mission of this magnitude, always remember your core values and multi-task! With this in mind, The Axis of Stevil teamed up with leaders of the entertainment community and has begun production on a series of public service announcements, movies and video games that show the harsh, gritty reality of crime and... NOT ANOTHER A GNOME MOVIE- (Found August 15, 2008 ) It was a wildly sorted affair in the village of Wickerbriar. David the Gnome a respected doctor and community leader was exposed as fathering an illegitimate child with the young Lisa Curvet, a 175-year-old gnome. At one point farmer Kurvalt, Lisa's troll stepfather, had threatened to eat David should he ever get near his daughter. With nothing else to do, David fled town one summer's January night. Accompanied by his oldest friend, Swift, the pair set out to seek their fortunes and find their.. |