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Feed items 41 - 50 of 72 for August 2008

The Axis of Stevil

National Local Art movement, Comics, Flash, Creative, FUN!

Featured Steve: STEVE SMITH - (Found August 15, 2008 )

This illustrious company is founded on the principle that everyone can be successful and have a voice to speak their ideas, even people as plain as the name given to millions of people each year, Steve! Every so often, the Axis of Stevil takes pleasure in shining the proverbial spotlight on a Steve who shows excellence in their field. Read more at


Once again, the holiday season is upon us. The Axis of Stevil, as a supporter of the open work place, celebrates and recognizes the following acknowledged winter holidays: Festivus Chanukah Kwanza St. Stevalon's Day (patron saint of Harvest) Banquete de cabras Eind van leeftijden Thurston Ze Pigs Birthday Christmas Boxing Day Bob Keeshan New Years Resolution Day (the black Friday of the gym world) January Cleaning Cheese Fries Festival. Therefore, there will be no work for non-essential..

HAPPY HOLIDAYS, INDEED! - (Found August 15, 2008 )

The holiday season is a time for friends, family and outrageous materialism. There is no finer example of this than a recent Darker Brothers print ad, circulating in the back of comic books, magazines and scouting journals, enticing readers to promote materialism and guerilla advertising with free prizes and meats. The ad, complete with misleading text and promotions, is very good at achieving its desired effect; CONFUSION! Don't be fooled, free prizes are only earned by sending thousands of...

FOWL LIES - (Found August 15, 2008 )

The sight of a dog wearing headphones, or a sea turtle selling fast food is not unheard of thanks to the constant barrage of anthromorphic TV. Over the past fifty years, television viewers have been desensitized to seeing animals acting as humans. This fact was made painfully apparent when it was reveled before a live television audience that President George W. Boosh was, in fact, a chicken; a giant chicken! Read more at The Axis o Stevil!

MARVEL US: Merry Christmas! - (Found August 15, 2008 )

New comic series by Rich "Dick" Palmer.

THE TOOTH IS LOOSE - (Found August 15, 2008 )

To celebrate the 4th Annual Beaville Downtown Festival, a statue of a silver beaver will be unveiled at Flanagan Park. The section of Flanagan Park from 3rd street to the river is being renamed to "The Shrine of the Silver Beaver" in remembrance to one of Beaville's most tremendous residents. During a heated murder trial, Silver "Sam" Beaver was found not guilty for the murder of Judith Heart. Subsequent appeals, court decisions, and amici curiae briefs have made it virtually impossible to...


VIDEO Two (2) Unfrosted Strawberry Poptarts + Toaster = 10:17 pm Toasting begins. 10:22 pm Smoke appears; Poptarts blacken. 10:23 pm Toaster emits "spring" sound (something broke inside) 10:25 pm Smoke level increases. 10:26 pm Smoke bellows. 10:27 pm Smoke pours from toaster. 10:28 pm Ignition - 2' - 3' flame. 10:30 pm Flames subside. 10:31 pm Flames extinguished; toaster properly disposed of.

YOU BOOB - (Found August 15, 2008 )

The comings and goings of another person's life used to be a mystery. With video proliferation and the Internet, the ability to plug the world into your reality is now at your fingertips. Whether it's grandma in the dunk tank at the county fair, or your impromptu karaoke jam session, all the world is a stage. Thanks to "You Boob!", now you can exhibit private moments of buffoonery to almost anyone. Production values, scripts and forethoughts are a thing of the past. Our reclusive and...

BELOVED FISH TYCOON DIES - (Found August 15, 2008 )

Arthur T Watercrest, the greatest known trout investor, has died. The industry baron was found fried, filleted and covered in mayonnaise in a South Littleton Red Lobster. Had wait staff not noticed the deep fried remains of his monocle, the plutocrat fish surely would have been eaten. What is left of the body has been returned to the Watercrest Estate. A crowd of 2000+ guests is expected to be in attendance at tonight's memorial service of the world's greatest fish. . .

Featured Steve: STEVE BOWIE - King of Texas - (Found August 15, 2008 )

This illustrious company is founded on the principle that everyone can be successful and have a voice to speak their ideas, even people as plain as the name given to millions of people each year, Steve! Every so often, the Axis of Stevil takes pleasure in shining the proverbial spotlight on a Steve who shows excellence in their field. Read more at
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