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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for February 2006

Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh - February 14, 2006

Of all of the tools I have learned to use to cope in the world, laughter is the best, by far. I used to be very angry and hard on myself when things went wrong - you know, "What's wrong with you!" and all that, but in recent years, I've learned it's much more fun to laugh about it.When I fell out of the shower. When I almost set myself on fire, deciding to clean the gas cooktop I didn't realize was still on. When I fell down the stairs - twice. When I fell out of chair, which wasn't even there..

The Realities of Being Aspie in an NT World - February 10, 2006

A few weeks ago I wrote, but did not post, a self-congratulatory post about my wedding, end how excited I was that my social skills were so much better. Although much of it is true, I guess pride comes before a fall.The wedding was truly wonderful. It could not have gone better. I felt I was able to socialize and connect in a way I never thought possible. For the first time in adult memory, I felt at ease in a crowded room. No anxiety. No worrying. Just self-assurance.Then we went on...
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