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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for March 2007

Angband and Zangband

Angband and Zangband -

Gahh - March 30, 2007

I've been playing a bit of ironman lately, and have had a few promising beginnings dashed by bad luck or dumb mistakes. I haven't gotten much further than 500' before getting iced by some orc lord or swamped by lice as I search for the stairs down.I use the auto-scummer to make each level more exciting, but since I haven't made it very deep with this lineage no really nice items have come up. Imagine my surprise today when I walk down to 250' and am informed, "You feel there is something...

quiet... - March 14, 2007

I've been quiet since... well... a long time, mostly because work upgraded my laptop and I've pretty much stopped playing Angband to concentrate on World of Warcrack. It's interesting because it wasn't so long ago that I was asking this community for a pretty, realtime version of an Angband-like game and everyone was saying I should go and re-install Diablo II. WoW seems like a natural progression from Diablo II :-) Of course, installing Angband on the new lappy would be a big step towards...
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