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Angband and Zangband

Angband and Zangband -

(Untitled) - June 21, 2007

Arameldor VII is a 33 dwarven priest in NPPAngband, just now entering stat gain. He picked up a quest to clear out a demon-infested cave dweller stronghold at 1450'. The 260 demons included Draebor the Imp, a few dozen Vrocks and Erinyes, a few Death Quasits and bunch of Boleks, Tengus, Quasits, Homunculi, and Imps. Fireballs and bolts ended up burning quite a bit of his gear - staff of teleport, quite a few of his prayer books .. but a slow and steady advancing approach dropping things out..

YAWP - June 16, 2007

Holy overpowered rangerness, Batman! That was by far the easiest Morgoth battle I've ever had. After the GCV at 2700' and all its goodies and dead uniques, Aragorn dove like a rock down to 4950'. Little equipment of any interest was found except for a better Ring of Speed (+13) and Narya, which gave me some pause for thought. In the end, I decided fire immunity was better than a second Ring of Speed (three cheers for my precious arrows not getting incinerated and for laughing in the faces of...

Curse you Shelob! - June 5, 2007

So I'm playing T.O.M.E., and doing very well (3rd best character I've ever had) as a Rhonanknight Possessor. Mirkwood was tough. One level I had a quest to kill Ancient Dragons and then later I had a quest to kill Green Thunderbirds (I was in the mid 20s at the time). I swapped out bodies before tackling the Thunderbirds, and through a lot of thought and consideration I got through the encounters. I was quite proud of myself at this point for strategically succeeding. I ended up...

My best character so far! - June 3, 2007

I started played NPPAngband again a little while ago... and thought I'd just post my current character. I've never made it this far before, I usually die before I hit level 20 due to carelessness.What do you thinkNPPAngband 0.5.0-BETA2 Character Dump Name paragon Self RB CB EB Best Sex Male Age 122 STR: 1833 +1 +5 +2 18113 Race High-Elf Height 81 INT: 11 +3 -2 +2 14 Class Warrior Weight 205 WIS: 15 -1 -2 +2.
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