Position Announcement: Central Michigan University - Off-Campus Librarian- April 15, 2008 (Note: This is one of two reference librarian vacancies at Central Michigan University where I work. I will post the other vacancy as well when the approved text is ready.)The Off-Campus Library Services (OCLS) department at Central Michigan University is accepting applications for the position of Off-Campus Librarian. The OCLS team provides distance library services to the more than 7,000 CMU students enrolled at over 60 off-campus sites throughout U.S. and Canada and via online course...http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/position-announcement-central-michigan.html Thinking Critically About Statistics- April 14, 2008 (This is a guest post by Julie Lorenzen.)This past winter an idea I had fell short of being accepted during a meeting of my autism awareness committee on the campus of Central Michigan University. My idea was to create bulletin boards that veered away from statistics and focused on individuals instead because I think that advocates in the United States rely too much on numbers.I was visualizing outlines of hands or maybe stars that featured respective traits of a variety of local individuals...http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/thinking-critically-about-statistics.html Book Meme Tagging, Part Two- April 12, 2008 I was tagged by my wife Julie over at Autism Blog. I had just tagged her for this from a post at the American President Blog. I messed up in following the rules there so I guess I will try againThe rules:1. Pick up the nearest book.2. Open to page 123.3. Find the fifth sentence.4. Post the next three sentences.5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.I am at home and the nearest book is the one I am currently reading:1) Eberron: City of Stormreach 978-0-7869-4803-12) The sixth,...http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/book-meme-tagging-part-two.html Libraries urged to embrace ICT to stay relevant- April 11, 2008 There is another news article relating to information literacy coming out of Brunei. The Borneo Bulletin has an article titled Libraries urged to embrace ICT to stay relevant by P. Marilyn. In it Marilyn writes about The Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) at the Ministry of Education, Awang Haji Daud bin Haji Mahmud, yesterday called for a change in the traditional role of librarians or information officers.Here is some of what he said during the speech:"He said the role of libraries in an..http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/libraries-urged-to-embrace-ict-to-stay.html Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education- April 10, 2008 I just found that a new information literacy journal is launching this year. It is the Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education. The goal is an issue by November 2008. This journal will be open access and peer-reviewed. Contributions will be accepted in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or English.From the site:Information literacy is a multidisciplinary field as it is the subject of both academic research, as well as of library pedagogical practice. The development of knowledge in...http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/nordic-journal-of-information-literacy.html Charter Schools: Are They Needed Looking at Both Sides of the Debate- April 9, 2008 Charter Schools: Are They Needed Looking at Both Sides of the Debateby Michael Lorenzen(This is another rescued paper I put up at a now vanished website years ago. I think some web surfers may find it of interest.)Most reform concepts work by making changes within schools. However, a newer reform idea works by creating entirely new schools. The charter school movement seeks to improve public school by creating new, rival, and competing public schools. The hope is that competition for students...http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/charter-schools-are-they-needed-looking.html |