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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for July 2008

Cryptids are Real - July 31, 2008

I have two sons. They often watch the Cartoon Network. Recently, the network has been running some commercials promoting a site titled Cryptids are Real.A description of the site reads:Discover the hidden world of cryptids. Watch legendary animals caught on video, read eyewitness monster encounters, and track creatures like the Loch Ness Monster.The site looks nice. It has the commercials online, some headlines, graphics with brief text, and a map for tracking cryptid sittings. The site is not..

2008 Michigan Library Association Information Literacy Award - July 31, 2008

Several months ago, I learned that I had been named the recipient of the 2008 Michigan Library Association Information Literacy Award. I was honored to learn of this and happy I did not have to accept the award (and make any mini-speech) until October when the award is presented at the annual MLA Conference in Kalamazoo. Much to my surprise, the Dean of the CMU Libraries decided there should be a reception held in my honor for this. While happy and grateful, I also found this a bit awkward. ..

Weird Universe - July 12, 2008

I have long been a fan of News of the Weird. Not only is it humorous, it can be used as a great teaching tool. I wrote a lesson plan on this years ago titled Using Weird News to Teach About Verifying Information on the Web.For the last year, I have been following the almost daily blog of News of the Weird which was at a Blogger blogspot address. Last week, the author discontinued that site to create a new one. It is Weird Universe. Several people into collecting weird and strange news have.
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