Elementary Counselors Get Schooled in Information Literacy- April 30, 2008 The Ledger of Lakeland, Florida has a report up about elementary education and information literacy. It is titled Elementary Counselors Get Schooled in Information Literacy and was written by Thomas Hagerty.From the site:Elementary professional school counselors from the Polk County School District held their spring meeting April 10 at the University of South Florida Lakeland. The featured speaker was Dr. Wendy-lou Greenidge, assistant professor of counselor education, USF Lakeland. She spoke..http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/elementary-counselors-get-schooled-in.html Report on the Thirteenth Off-Campus Library Services Conference- April 29, 2008 I recently had the privilege of visiting Salt Lake City, Utah for a library conference. It was the Off-Campus Library Services Conference. I had a great time and really enjoyed visiting Utah. In addition to attending many great sessions, I presented a paper on publishing for librarians. It is in the conference proceedings already and I also hope to get the paper up on the Central Michigan University Digital Repository soon. I also visited some attractions in Salt Lake City such as Temple...http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/report-on-thirteenth-off-campus-library.html Position Announcement: Music Bibliographer, Central Michigan University- April 28, 2008 Reference LibrarianMusic Bibliographer (Tenure-track, 12-month, Assistant Professor)Central Michigan University Libraries seeks a 12-month, tenure-track faculty Reference LibrarianMusic Bibliographer at the rank of Assistant Professor to join an energetic team. Serving about 28,000 students, Central Michigan University is a doctoral research institution recognized for strong undergraduate education and a range of focused graduate programs and research.Position Description: Shares responsibility.http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/position-announcement-music.html Critical Thinking: Promoting It in the Classroom- April 23, 2008 The ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills published an ERIC Digest in 1989. It was titled Critical Thinking: Promoting It in the Classroom. It was written by M. Carrol Tama. Although a bit dated, it still seems relevent today for K-12 and higher education teachers.From the site:The NCTE Committee on Critical Thinking and the Language Arts defines critical thinking as "a process which stresses an attitude of suspended judgment, incorporates logical inquiry and problem...http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/critical-thinking-promoting-it-in.html Tech: Can't Live Without It- April 22, 2008 The Orlando Sentinel reports that when 26 University of Central Florida students were asked to abstain from using their techno-gadgets for 5 days as part of an extra credit project in English composition class, all but two failed the task."Several students conceded at the end that the experiment was a lesson about how dependent they are on technology. But they also said they won't go tech-free again anytime soon."via The Wired Campushttp://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/tech-can-live-without-it.html Let's Go to the Video -- Or Not- April 22, 2008 A recent study of 463 students by the Harvard University Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (here) investigated the acceptance of various instructional technologies by undergraduate and graduate students.Students found uploaded course materials, interactive syllabi and recorded video lectures to be most useful. However, not all technologies were equally useful to undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduates greatly preferred recorded video lectures (as compared to graduate.http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/let-go-to-video-or-not.html Review: God's Choice: The Total World of a Fundamentalist Christian School- April 18, 2008 God's Choice: The Total World of a Fundamentalist Christian School, reviewed by Michael Lorenzen. (This review is from 2002. It used to reside on a now defunct website. I am republishing it here as I believe it may be of interest to some on the Web.)Alan Peshkin wrote God's Choice: The Total World of a Fundamentalist Christian School in the 80s. Nonetheless, the forces that shaped the forming and operation of the anonymous "Bethany Baptist Academy" are still very much an issue today. While new..http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/review-gods-choice-total-world-of.html Internet Haves and Have Nots- April 17, 2008 Aaron Smith at the Pew Internet & American Life Project points to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) compilation of state-by-state home internet usage figures based on the Census Bureau's October 2007 Current Population Survey.The report, which consists of 12 pages of tabular data, reveals a number of interesting facts about internet usage in America. Internet usage differs by race (less than 20% of White Non Hispanic households do not use the internet,..http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/internet-haves-and-have-nots.html Health Information Literacy Project at Lake Hospital System- April 17, 2008 Lake Hospital System in Ohio has been selected as one of only nine hospital libraries across the country to participate in the Medical Library Association's Health Information Literacy Research Project, which is being funded through a $250,000 two-year contract from the National Library of Medicine. Under the project, participants will evaluate hospital-based health care providers' awareness and understanding of health information literacy and its value in support of patient care. Full details..http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/lake-hospital-system-selected-as-pilot.html Partnering With Librarians to Meet NCATE Standards in Teacher Education- April 16, 2008 There is a long technical article at Red Orbit on information literacy titled Partnering With Librarians to Meet NCATE Standards in Teacher Education. It is by Tobeylynn Birch, Louise Greenfield, Karen Janke, Deborah Schaeffer, and Ada Woods. If you are a fan of the ACRL Information Literacy Standards, this article is for you.From the site:As colleges of education prepare to meet NCATE standards they will find technically savvy allies and willing collaborators at their campus libraries. The...http://www.information-literacy.net/2008/04/partnering-with-librarians-to-meet.html |