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Feed items 1 - 10 of 12 for August 2008

TPN :: GDay World

Intelligent discussions for intelligent people with Cameron Reilly, CEO of The Podcast Network.

Everton Park needs new cleaners - August 15, 2008

Everton Park needs new cleaners Originally uploaded by cameronreilly This was taken on the intersection of South Pine Road and Stafford Road in Everton Park today. It&8217;s disgusting.

MODM BBQ in Brisneyland - August 13, 2008

I&8217;m going to throw a one-off MODM BBQ up here in Brisneyland on Saturday August 30th. Details here. BYO food, drink and gadgets. Apparently there&8217;s a BTUB on the previous night, so this can be where everyone turns up and has a burger to get over their hangover.

SHOCK REPORT: America Respects International Law - August 13, 2008

In the comments section to my post on the Pentagon&8217;s propaganda, Marcelo pointed me to this post in about how Bush and the American media are screaming about Russia&8217;s invasion of Georgia is pretty interesting. Apparently, context is everything. So, the United States attacking Grenada or Nicaragua or Panama or Iraq or Serbia ...

The Pentagons Propaganda Game Busted - August 13, 2008

From the Center for Media and Democracy: Today, we struck a blow against propaganda, and for transparency and accountability. In early 2002, the Pentagon began cultivating retired military officers who frequently serve as media commentators to help make the case for invading Iraq. The pundit program continued &8212; promoting the Bush administration&8217;s stance on the Guantanamo Bay ...

How The IOC Gags Athletes At The O-LAME-pics and more. - August 12, 2008

A few weeks ago I had director Matt Norman on the show. We talked about political protests at the Olympics (with reference to his Uncle Peter Norman&8217;s protest at the 1968 Olympics). There was some debate afterward in the comments section about whether or not the Australian Government has gagged our athletes. It turns out ...

Bill Mahers Religulous - August 10, 2008

I heard Bill Maher say he was going to make this on Larry King a while back and Russell Buckley just sent me the trailer. It looks great! I want to make shit like this! I read Maher&8217;s book &8220;New Rules&8221; a few years ago and I loved it! He&8217;s brilliant.

Free Delivery! 1999 is back baby! - August 10, 2008

Over on Brisbane Norg tonight I read a post by Durx on a UK online bookstore called The Book Depository. He sez: &8230;a few weeks ago I came across a British website selling books, cheap and with free &8220;world wide delivery&8221;. I had to give them a try. So I found my way to ...

GDay World 339 - Donnie Maclurcan and Project Australia - August 10, 2008

Today my guests is Donnie Maclurcan, Executive Director of Project Australia, a national organisation helping people launch ideas that seek to create positive social change within communities. Donnie tells me how the idea came together, how it all works, and what they are trying to do. He&8217;s a terrific example of someone who has taken the ...

The Lies About Hiroshima - August 8, 2008

John Pilger has written a terrific article to commemorate the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima (6 August, 1945). I was talking about Hiroshima with American friends while in France. They gave me the usual answer &8220;it was horrible but it stopped the war and saved lives&8221;. These friends ...

Australian Censorship and Human Rights - August 8, 2008

I did a show yesterday on China&8217;s censorship and human rights record. A few people have told me that in Australia, we can say what we like and do what we like. Really Why is KRUDD spending $60 million on Internet censorship Why did a Gold Coast teenager get arrested and charged for wearing a blasphemous ...
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