TPN :: GDay WorldIntelligent discussions for intelligent people with Cameron Reilly, CEO of The Podcast Network.GDay World 331 - Ex-Gloria Jeans Franchisees Speak Out- June 30, 2008 My guests tonight are a couple from Melbourne who we&8217;ll call &8220;Bazza&8221; and &8220;Shazza&8221;. For the last five years they were franchisees with Gloria Jean&8217;s Coffee. They&8217;ve come on to discuss their experience. As regular readers will know, I&8217;ve been taking an interest in Gloria Jean&8217;s over the last few years (read earlier posts here), ... GDay World 330 - Kat & Matt from June 29, 2008 Tonight&8217;s guests - Katherine Szuminska &038; Matthew Landauer - are the founders of, a recently-launched site which makes politics more transparent. Based on the British site TheyWorkForYou, scrapes Hansard and makes it much more accessible. You can find out who your local MP is and then subscribe to email alerts whenever they say ... Great Apes to get full rights in Spain- June 29, 2008 An interesting story&8230; apparently &8220;great apes&8221; - that is, all non-human members of the biological family Hominidae which includes chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans - are soon to get full human rights in Spain. They won&8217;t be able to be kept captive, used in experiments for in television commercials. This outcome is the work of ... Gates, End of Act One- June 28, 2008 Now that Bill Gates has left his day-to-day role at Microsoft, I feel compelled to write something. Last week ABC TV&8217;s Lateline program contacted me asking if I would be prepared to &8220;balance out&8221; the positive coverage of Gates for their show. I informed them that they were asking the wrong bloke - I&8217;m a ... Iraq - Chickens Coming Home To Roost- June 25, 2008 America - your tax dollars have been well spent. What can you buy with one trillion dollars No-bid contracts: Nearly Four Decades Later, U.S. Oil Companies Return to Iraq Four oil companies are in the final stage of contract negotiations to regain drilling rights in Iraq &8212; thirty-six years after they lost them. Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total ... In Honour Of George Carlin- June 25, 2008 Most of the coverage you&8217;ll see about the passing of Carlin this week - that is, assuming you see any at all, I don&8217;t think I&8217;ve seen a single mention on Australian TV - will cover his infamous &8220;Seven Words&8221; sketch and how it helped to break down free speech barriers. Tell that to the ... GDay World 329 - Rob McNealy, June 25, 2008 On the show today, something a little different - I&8217;m interviewed by Rob McNealy from Before I throw to the interview, I talk about some recent blog posts, including the OpenAustralia and Registry of Members&8217; Interests issue, the Gloria Jean&8217;s story and the future of the newspaper industry. Don&8217;t miss out on winning the ... How fast can you type- June 25, 2008 73 words Speed test It&8217;s amazing to me that I&8217;ve never had a single typing lesson in my life and yet I can touch type. The brain is amazing. Former Gloria Jeans Franchisee Speaks Out- June 25, 2008 In the comments section to one of my earlier posts exposing Gloria Jeans, a guy claiming to be an ex-franchisee sez: As an ex-franchisee (yes, if you will pardon the pun I &8220;saw the light&8221; and got out) it disturbed me that we were given Targets for our &8220;voluntary contributions&8221;. In fact, we were required ... Newspapers facing worst year on record- June 24, 2008 Tony Harris sent me a link to this story in the New York Times which says that this year is shaping up to be the worst on record for newspaper advertising revenue. I&8217;ve been predicting a steady decline in advertising revenue for years (The Future Of Newspapers, State of the News Print Media in Australia ... |