TPN :: GDay WorldIntelligent discussions for intelligent people with Cameron Reilly, CEO of The Podcast Network.New Singularity Essays- June 10, 2008 IEEE Spectrum has a series of new essays on the singularity from the likes of Vernor Vinge and Rodney Brooks (who have both been on this show in the last year). My favourite quote so far comes from Vinge&8217;s new essay &8220;Signs of the Singularity&8220;: &8220;The best answer to the question, Will computers ever be as ... Four More Years Before Machines Surpass Humans- June 9, 2008 Hans Moravec has suggested that the human brain has a processing capacity of 10 quadrillion instructions per second (10 billion MIPS). In comparison, it was announced today that the fastest supercomputer in the world, called Roadrunner and devised and built by engineers and scientists at I.B.M. and Los Alamos National Laboratory, is capable of handling ... Teaching your kids to save money- June 8, 2008 Andre writes the &8220;Lost Parent Diary&8221; blog and he recently contacted me about a podcast I did where I mentioned how my twin boys started saving their pocket money to buy their own laptops when they were about five years old. He wrote it up into a blog post about teaching your kids to save ... Microsofts Ballmer on the Future of Media- June 8, 2008 Okay so - Steve&8217;s crystal ball hasn&8217;t been 100% accurate over the years - neither has BillG&8217;s - but he&8217;s also helped build Microsoft into the giant it is today, despite decades of predicitions of it&8217;s imminent demise, so he must know something. And this is what he said recently about the future of media: In ... Science Needs A Celebrity Makeover- June 8, 2008 It in the last few days I&8217;ve had two startling, and somewhat depressing, conversations. In both instances, I had a debate with people I admire, for their intelligence and intellectual rigour, about the merit of the scientific method. In both cases, my opponents made claims which felt unscientific to me. When I challenged their thinking on ... America - The Land Of The Jailed- June 7, 2008 So much for being &8220;The Land Of The Free&8221;: Human Rights Watch has just posted up the latest stats which show the USA incarcerates nearly 7 times the number of it&8217;s citizens are other democracies such as the UK and Canada. Statistics released today by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a branch of the US Department ... GDay World Video - Peter Ellyard discusses Designing 2050- June 5, 2008 I had the pleasure once again today to catch up with Dr Peter Ellyard, Australia&8217;s leading futurist, one of our most popular public speakers and, of course, author of the historic first book published by TPNTXT: &8220;Designing 2050: Pathways to sustainable prosperity on spaceship earth&8221;. The auction for two signed proof copies of the book can be ... Exxon says one thing, does the opposite- June 4, 2008 From the &8220;Just-Cuz-We-Say-We&8217;re-Going-To-Do-Something-Doesn&8217;t-Mean-We-Will&8221; department: The Center for Science in the Public Interest points out that ExxonMobil has just announced &8220;for the second consecutive year&8221; that it is cutting funding to groups which promote skepticism about global warming. The groups that are supposedly being cut off include the Capital Research Center, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, Frontiers ... Re-inventing Politics - The Cameron System- June 4, 2008 On Twitter this afternoon I made a crack about how the two-party system we have in Australia is, I believe, fundamentally broken. Someone asked me how I would improve it. This is what I came up with on the fly. This isn&8217;t something I&8217;ve given any thought to previously, so it&8217;s probably full of holes ... GMAIL - Filtering many messages at once- June 3, 2008 Here&8217;s something I learned this morning - how to quickly set up a Gmail filter to delete multiple annoying messages. This may not be news to most of you but as it was a new discovery for me, I thought I&8217;d share it. Find Annoying Messages - you know those ones that you find yourself deleting ... |