TPN :: GDay WorldIntelligent discussions for intelligent people with Cameron Reilly, CEO of The Podcast Network.Transparency in Australian politics- June 21, 2008 I&8217;m very excited to see that OpenAustralia, the local version of TheyWorkForYou is online and in beta testing. Congrats to everyone involved. It&8217;s something I&8217;ve been wanting to see happen in Australia for years. Reading through the site and its&8217; associated blog tonight, I discovered a couple of interesting points about transparency in Australian politics, ... GDay World 328 - Stephen Mayne- June 20, 2008 Today I got to chat with another person I admire - Stephen Mayne. As I&8217;m sure most of you will know, Stephen is the founder of These days he is also running a video podcast &8220;The Mayne Report&8221; where he takes his video crew into Annual General Meetings for some of Australia&8217;s largest companies ... Che Guevaras 80th birthday- June 17, 2008 In honour of the great Che Guevara&8217;s 80th birthday (officially the 14th June), here&8217;s a documentary on his life for those of you who have only heard the CIA propaganda and lies. Coming to Paris in July- June 17, 2008 I&8217;m going to be in Paris July 5 and July 13, 14, 15. Anyone interested in catching up GDay World 327 - Puny Humans Must Die- June 16, 2008 Today I talk about what I&8217;ve learned recently from the following books: Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts (2003) The Rise And Fall Of The Great Powers by Paul Kennedy (1988) Understanding Power by Noam Chomsky (2002) I also talk about an alternative to Hiroshima the Roadrunner supercomputer why a high IQ is linked to atheism my ideas for an Australian version of TED the ... Study: High IQ linked to atheism- June 13, 2008 A new study from the UK claims that people with a high IQ are more likely to be atheists. Now I know you expect me to be gloating about this study but really, it&8217;s not that interesting. From my perspective, it&8217;s just common sense that people who have even an average level of intelligent wouldn&8217;t ... Microsofts Decade of Shareprice Hell- June 12, 2008 The guy who wrote the MSFT Extreme Makeover blog has hung up his riding boots with a terrific summary post on Microsoft&8217;s woes. After MSFT&8217;s share price being in the toilet for the better part of a decade, Extreme has had enough. I sold my last remaining MSFT shares just before the YHOO announcement sent ... Australia 2050 - The Wiki- June 12, 2008 I&8217;m trying to work out who the top thinkers and visionaries are in Australia who can help us plot a course for 2050. I&8217;ve put together a quick wiki to collate your ideas in a central place. Go to the 2050 wiki. A clarion call for digital media entrepreneurs- June 12, 2008 Paul Ryan asked me to write a story for the JuneJuly issue of Anthill about digital media and entrepreneurship. I ended up writing something about how it seems to me that digital media entrepreneurs require a higher code of ethics, a higher vision, than your run-of-the-mill online entrepreneurs. Click on the image below to read ... Who Are Australias Top Thinkers- June 12, 2008 I&8217;m working on an idea and I need your help. I want to put together a list of the top thinkers in Australia. I mean the really amazing people, the ones with a huge vision for the country or the world or even their industry. The people who are leading from the front, dreaming big ... |