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Feed items 31 - 35 of 35 for June 2008

TPN :: GDay World

Intelligent discussions for intelligent people with Cameron Reilly, CEO of The Podcast Network.

Aussie Startups in Aust Financial Review - June 3, 2008

Renai LeMay did a story on Aussie start-ups in today&8217;s AFR. But, of course, I can&8217;t link to it online, because the zombies running the Fin still have it locked up tighter that a fish&8217;s asshole. Memo to Fairfax - it&8217;s 2008! HELLO Anyhoo, the article is also up on MIS Magazine&8217;s website and you can ...

The Coolest 8 Year Old In The World - June 3, 2008

Thanks to thomasrdotorg for the link! He suggested that if I had a daughter, this is what she&8217;d be like.

Win A Signed INDY IV Poster! - June 2, 2008

Want to win a block-mounted Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull one-sheet signed by Shia LaBeouf And Steven Spielberg TPN has one to give away - click here to enter!

Rudds burying the Haneef inquiry - June 1, 2008

More evidence that it doesn&8217;t matter which one of the major parties is in power, the same game is played: The narrow terms of reference were drafted to prevent any inquiry into the role played by Howard and his ministers. The inquiry was asked to report on the arrest, detention, charging, prosecution and release of Dr ...

The real reason behind high oil prices - June 1, 2008

You won&8217;t hear this talked about on TV: The hoax of Peak Oil - namely the argument that the oil production has hit the point where more than half all reserves have been used and the world is on the downslope of oil at cheap price and abundant quantity - has enabled this costly fraud to ...
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