TPN :: GDay WorldIntelligent discussions for intelligent people with Cameron Reilly, CEO of The Podcast Network.Corey Harts Daily Schedule- April 8, 2008 You have to be a child of the 80s to get this one. More like this at Culturegraph, put together by recent G&8217;Day World guest Jeremy Toeman. I&8217;ve been LMAO in the kids&8217; dentist&8217;s office this morning. Cool dentist. She started by showing off her new Macbook Air and then launched into a discussion with ... GDay World 321 - Communism, The Four Hour Work Week and more.- April 8, 2008 I&8217;m back this week with my first show from Brisbane!! Today it&8217;s just me talking about TPN&8217;s recent technology woes, my decision not to take venture capital, communism, the origins of the concept of family, an up date on my personal coach, Tim Ferriss&8217; Four Hour Work Week, The Spider And The Starfish, and more! Today&8217;s ... Why Twitter Is Important To Me- April 6, 2008 And on Sunday, he rested&8230;&8230;. Holy god damn, what a week. Finally, this morning, TPN is back up (obviously, because I can write this and you can read it). I have to thank Phil Morle from Pollenizer for hooking me up with Jagadeesh from x-minds in India. Jag and his team got TPN back up in ... My Fast Thinking article- April 4, 2008 I&8217;ve had a HELL of a week. The day I was leaving Melbourne I discovered TPN was having major technical issues and it&8217;s just been one thing after another this week. Database errors, sites hacked, you name it. And as TPN is still between proper IT support, it&8217;s KILLING me. I&8217;ve been trying to sign ... |