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Feed items 11 - 16 of 16 for May 2008

TPN :: GDay World

Intelligent discussions for intelligent people with Cameron Reilly, CEO of The Podcast Network.

Project Vino - Twitter + Yahoo Live Video = A Great Night! - May 9, 2008

How do you get a dozen of the top online personalities in Australia to talk about your product Here&8217;s one recent example of very clever marketing. A couple of weeks ago, I participated in one of the more interesting online social networking marketing projects I&8217;ve seen in recent years - Project Vino. Put together ...

GDay World 322 - Its Called MYANMAR not BURMA ffs - May 9, 2008

My first show for a month!!! I explain why the big break on the show. But the main topic for today is Myanmar, or what the ignorant Western media insist on calling Burma. As you&8217;ve heard, they were hit recently by a terrible cyclone and there are potentially 100,000 people dead and millions homeless. Western aid ...

GetUp! Campaign to Stop Lobbyists - May 8, 2008

I just signed this online campaign being run by GetUp! to stop lobbyists from the BAD energy companies (oil, coal, etc) subverting the Federal Budget&8217;s investments to clean up Australia. You should to. Only take a couple of seconds. They are trying to get 15,000 votes and they currently have about 4700.

IRON MAN and How To Make Money From Advertising - May 8, 2008

Hey kids! Now that the TPN servers are back up and running as they should, I guess it&8217;s time for me to do some more shows. In the meantime, here&8217;s a couple I&8217;ve done this week which you may like. The Movie Show 46 - IRON MAN 2 Web Crew 24 - Duncan Riley Is THE ...

Cameron-Reilly, LLC - May 4, 2008

I stumbled across this company today. Apparently they make roads in Washington state! The company is owned by two guys - Jim Cameron and Mike Reilly. I&8217;ll have to see if one of my listeners in Washington can snag me some of their company swag! I especially like the images on their website of large ...

Watching Christopher Hitchens Videos - May 3, 2008

I&8217;ve only discovered this morning how brilliant Christopher Hitchens (author of &8220;God Is Not Great&8221;) is when he talks. Check out this video for starters then make your way through some related YouTube clips.
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