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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for January 2007


Welcome to the GIS Class Blog. I will use this space to assign classwork and homework as well as to store important class documents and resources.

The Legacy of Robert Moses - January 16, 2007

Using you class notes, information from the videos and the links below, answer the following questions: What is the legacy of Robert Moses on the landscape of New York City What good and what bad came out of Urban Renewal, and highway construction Given the state of New York City today, do you think New York needs a new Robert...

Mural Links - January 5, 2007

Diego Rivera Murals: http:www.diegorivera.commurals Murals of Chicago: http:cpag.netguide22_pages2.htm Murals of LA: El Puente Murals: http:www.elpuente.usartsmurals.htm Groundswell Murals:

History of Suburbs - January 4, 2007

Read two of the following articles about Levittown, Long Island.  Two are links below, one is attached as a Word document Answer three of the following in the comments.  Why did people move to suburbs How did the development of suburbs change american life  What was life like in the first suburbs Would you want to have lived in Levittown, why or why not How did the first suburbs serve to continue trends of racial...
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