AUP GIS ClassWelcome to the GIS Class Blog. I will use this space to assign classwork and homework as well as to store important class documents and resources.Mapping Arson in Bushwick- March 19, 2007 Using the article "Arson a Devastating force in Bushwick", write a short 2-3 sentence description of your map. What is the map showing How does it reflect the results of arson fires in Bushwick in the 1970's Students of AUP- March 6, 2007 Reflection question: What does this map tell you about the students of AUP What is one way you could envision using this map Brooklyn Toxic Release Map- March 5, 2007 What does this map tell you about Brooklyn and about where you live What is one way you could envision using this map Answer this question in one to two paragraphs in the comments section of the blog. |