"New Buddies" Baloo's Bugle for August RT and September's Theme is On-Line!- July 28, 2008 The newest edition of Baloo's Bugle is now available in Word.doc and Adobe.pdfIt loaded with lots of good things to do to get your Pack off to a great start.Lots of activities for your Cubs to do with their Buddies(and maybe get some of their buddies to join your pack)Learn about PACK MEETINGS from Bill Smith, the Roundtable Guy.And how to snazz up your ceremonies from Sean Scott's article, "Are You A Ziploc Pack"Read Scouter Jim's Thoughts about Friendship.There are articles and items for...http://usssp.blogspot.com/2008/07/new-buddies-baloos-bugle-for-august-rt.html New Cartoon Added for July- July 12, 2008 July's KNOTS cartoon celebrates 10 years of venturing and high adventure. Have a look!Copyright - U.S. Scouting Service Project Visit us at http:usscouts.org News at http:usssp.blogspot.comhttp://usssp.blogspot.com/2008/07/new-cartoon-added-for-july.html "S'More Summer Fun" Baloo's Bugle for July's RT's and August's Theme is on line!- July 3, 2008 The newest edition of Baloo's Bugle is now available in Word.doc, Adobe.pdf and HTML.It loaded with lots of OUTDOOR Games and Activities for the final month of Summer 2008.Learn about RECRUITING ADULT LEADERS from Bill Smith, the Roundtable Guy. Read Scouter Jim's Thoughts about Discovering America. There are lots of pages and ideas for theme-related activities and the Forester and Naturalist Webelos Activity Awards. There are a lot of outdoor activities. Plenty to do to amaze your Cubs or...http://usssp.blogspot.com/2008/07/smore-summer-fun-baloos-bugle-for-julys.html |