On the value of Scouting - A Scouter's Essay- August 31, 2008 Reprinted with permission - Copyright 2008 Michael PocalykoCamp Minsi continues great traditionsFriday, August 1, 2008Michael PocalykoIn the extraordinary unsettled summer of 1968, the Lehigh Valley was a hot place in weather and in politics. That didnt matter to me. I was headed to Camp Minsi in the Poconos. It was the last summer that our national treasure of a Boy Scout camp, built by Bethlehem Steel in the 1950s, would be run by the old Bethlehem Area Council. Five months later three Scout..http://usssp.blogspot.com/2008/08/on-value-of-scouting-scouters-essay.html New Cartoon Added for August- August 9, 2008 Howdy. Stop by the KNOTS cartoon for August. This month we look at the rifle shooing merit badge!Copyright - U.S. Scouting Service Project Visit us at http:usscouts.org News at http:usssp.blogspot.comhttp://usssp.blogspot.com/2008/08/new-cartoon-added-for-august.html |