TameBear: Sustainable WorldAppropriate science and technology for sustainable life on planet Earth. A TameBear weblog.(Untitled)- June 4, 2006 Biotown, USA: The town of Reynolds, Indiana -- population 533 -- is also home to some 150,000 hogs. Some smart state officials have conviced Reynolds to become a showcase "biotown", generating all their electricity from biogas produced by the decomposition of pig manure. Looks like they're planning to power municipal vehicles on ethanol or biodiesel too. theWatt: Energy News and Discussionhttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/sustainableWorld/2006/06/04.html#a784 (Untitled)- June 4, 2006 Key To "An Inconvenient Truth": Apple's "Keynote" is the presentation workhorse behind Al Gore's highly acclaimed documentary on global climate change. Keynote's ability to import, sequence, and transition extremely high resolution images and video clips for display on a 15x45 foot screen is what made it so appealing and useful for this film project. Apple Hot News via MyAppleMenuhttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/sustainableWorld/2006/06/04.html#a783 |