The How To Do Things Blog » SurvivalHow to wisdom from across the Internet — want to know how to do something? You may find the solution here.How to defend yourself when physically attacked- June 30, 2008 Getting physically attacked can be a really scary situation and sometimes it is not in our control to get in a get out of such a situation.&160; Sometimes we need to know how to defend ourselves whether we like it or not.&160; First of all you have to realize that the person attacking you is ... How to prepare cheap but nutritious food in a small place- June 22, 2008 Scarcity and limited space does not mean compromising on the quality of the food you eat. Remember that your good health is the greatest asset you have got; even when you have got nothing a healthy body will always help you survive. If you have less money and a very small place to live you ... How to beat Monday blues- June 16, 2008 Isn&8217;t Monday the most dreaded day of the week After a blissful weekend nobody likes to come face-to-face with the real-world again and hence we have the concept of Monday blues and some way or the other we have to beat Monday blues in order to survive through the day. Although at the surface one ... How to know your tomato is infected with salmonella- June 11, 2008 The fear of salmonella is spreading everywhere and even across the continents. People have stopped eating tomatoes because they might be infected with salmonella. Salmonella is a group of bacteria that can cause diarrhea in humans. They are microscopic living creatures that pass from the feces of people or animals to other people or other ... How to protect your personal data on the Internet- June 11, 2008 With many day-to-day transactions taking place on the Internet it has become important that you take all necessary precautions to protect your personal data like your logins and passwords, your financial details, your residential address and other vital information that you wouldnt like other people to have access to. You can protect most of your ... |