The How To Do Things Blog » SurvivalHow to wisdom from across the Internet — want to know how to do something? You may find the solution here.How to retrieve data and other computer files from a crashed computer using the Ubuntu live CD- July 17, 2008 Has your computer crashed and your hard drive died Or do you want to plan to be prepared for such a drastic situation Just imagine what a disaster it would be to lose files and other information that you have been gathering for so many years! Of course you can avoid such a tragic case ... How to keep mosquitoes away- July 8, 2008 If you live in a place where there are lots of mosquitoes or if there is lots of breeding ground for mosquitoes you definitely need to know how to keep mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes not only cause unbearable inconvenience by stinging constantly, they can also cause fatal ailments like malaria and dengue. In fact mosquitoes are ... |