Think Christian » CountercultureWelcome to, where we talk about Christ, culture and the ways that faith plays out in everyday life. We want to exercise our faith in every aspect of our lives: heart, soul and mind.Ministry to the child-men- January 31, 2008 I&8217;ve seen a lot of interesting online discussion this week about Child-Man in the Promised Land, an article by Kay Hymowitz that argues that single young men today are trapped in a state of endless adolescence, failing to mature into productive members of society. The evidence is pretty damning. From Hymowitz&8217; essay: ...the new SYM single ... Movies with a pro-life sentiment- January 25, 2008 Some in the religious press are pointing out an obvious trend of major motion pictures with a decidedly pro-life bent. I certainly saw that in the ribald Knocked Up (nominated for the dirtiest movie with a good, final message), but hadn&8217;t considered it in other movies, like Children of Men. Of course, the incredible success ... |