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Think Christian » Counterculture

Welcome to, where we talk about Christ, culture and the ways that faith plays out in everyday life. We want to exercise our faith in every aspect of our lives: heart, soul and mind.

RIP Larry Norman - February 26, 2008

Larry Norman passed away yesterday at age 60. In his farewell message on his website, he said, &8220;I feel like a prize in a box of cracker jacks with God&8217;s hand reaching down to pick me up&8230;I am ready to fly home.&8221; &8220;Dubbed by the media as &8216;the father of Christian rock,&8217; Norman recorded three albums ...

Wise as serpents, innocent as doves: are Christians sneaking their views into culture - February 19, 2008

In talking about the upcoming Ben Stein movie, John Derbyshire made a provocative comment yesterday about creationists, intelligent design, and the theory that intelligent design is a backhanded way of promoting creationism without playing the religion card: It&8217;s something I&8217;ve said before here, and repeated as politely as I could in panel discussions with creationists: they&8217;re ...

Have we forgotten how to influence culture - February 12, 2008

John Seel has a good article at Provocations asking how Christians can&8212;and should&8212;go about the task of influencing the culture around us. He starts out with a critique of the legislation-focused, &8220;moral majority&8221;-style strategy that Christians have employed throughout the last several decades: focusing on mobilizing majorities and legislative coercion, these faith communities have alienated ...
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