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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for June 2008

Amber Alert: Diana Rose Windowmaker - June 18, 2008

UPDATE 61808 - Diana Rose Windowmaker has been found safe. A family member apparently found the girl, whose age is now being reported as 10, in downtown Lansing today. Police say it does not appear that Diana was kidnapped, but are releasing no other details at this time. Lansing, MI - She&8217;s missing, ...

Missing: Randy and Denim Sylvester - June 17, 2008

UPDATE 91108 - Yesterday, a grand jury indicted Randy Terrell Sylvester, Sr. in the murders of his children, Randy Jr. and Denim Sylvester. The burned bodies of the children were found in southeast Houston on June 21, stuffed inside a suitcase and a wooden box. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for the elder Sylvester ...

Ricky Dale Simonds Made A Big Stink - June 9, 2008

and Jamie Fraley is still missing. Gastonia, NC - Kim Sprenger&8217;s car smelled funny all weekend. She first noticed it on Saturday night, but the smell was worse on Sunday when she drove some women to church. By 6:00 Sunday evening, Sprenger started scouring her car for the source of the ...

Gary W. Miller Went Shopping - June 6, 2008

PEORIA, IL On Sunday at around 10:30 a.m., a woman was putting groceries in her car at her local Krogers. She had her 7-month old child she had already placed in the backseat of the vehicle. 25-year-old Gary W. Miller Jr approached her, forced her into her car took her keys and abducted her ...
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