Where is Giovanni Gonzalez- August 19, 2008 UPDATE 82308 - A mop and a bottle of Lysol found in Ernesto Gonzalez&8217; home have tested positive for the presence of blood. Also removed from the home were a belt, trash bags, two knives, a computer, and a cell phone. Giovanni was last seen alive at 12:30 Saturday afternoon. More details at the bottom ...http://www.dreamindemon.com/2008/08/19/where-is-giovanni-gonzalez/ Casey Anthony: Everyone Lies, Everyone Dies- August 8, 2008 UPDATE 82808 - The newest article is here: Rest In Peace, Caylee Marie Anthony Comments for this thread are now closed. Please update your bookmarks and favorites and join us at the new article for breaking updates and information. Orlando, FL (August 8, 2008) - The lies of Casey Anthony just keep on piling up like manure ...http://www.dreamindemon.com/2008/08/08/casey-anthony-everyone-lies-everyone-dies/ |