Article TodayFinance.Surviving a Layoff- March 24, 2008 Each year more than 10 million Americans lose their jobs unexpectedly. Besides the obvious financial and emotional strain of losing a paycheck and daily social routine, there are also some additional pressures created by decisions that must be made regarding your employer-provided benefits. These choices are irreversible - once they are selected you are locked into the financial effects and tax Should I Refinance- March 24, 2008 Should I Refinance By Barrett Niehus Interest rates are at an all time low. Lower in fact than they have been in forty years. With this low rate comes huge opportunity for home owners to lower their payments and take some equity out of their home. The question about weather refinancing is necessary is dependent on your current financial situation, and what you will save versus how much the Is Refinancing a Good Idea Right Now- March 24, 2008 Is Refinancing a Good Idea Right Now By Barrett Niehus Rates on mortgages are lower than they have been in forty years. This provides a huge opportunity for new and existing home owners, but also carries risks that can have a substantial impact your ability to pay in the future. Mortgage lenders are inundated with work, and it was recently reported on national news Saving Money -- Here's How- March 24, 2008 Money -- now there's a subject to pique anyone's interest. Most of us are concerned about (1) earning money, (2) saving money, (3) ensuring ROI (Return on Investment) of our money, andor (4) simply getting out of debt. With more Americans filing for bankruptcy than ever before, there's room for improvement in how we amass, spend, and save our precious, hard-earned dollars. And this becomes even |