Article TodayFinance.HOW TO DOUBLE YOUR DEBT COLLECTIONS- March 24, 2008 Believe it or not the success or failure of your attempt to collect a debt is usually decided right at the beginning of your phone call - with the very first thing you say after the other party says hello. Knowing exactly what you're going to say, and handling the call in an organized, professional manner is the foundation upon which collections are made or lost. There are four parts to a New Year - Big Changes- March 24, 2008 As we begin the new year of 2002, there are four markets on the verge of major trend changes: gold, silver, the British pound, and the 10 year Treasury notes. All four changes are directly related to the Federal Reserve's decisions to cut interest rates eleven times last year. Please understand, I'm not complaining, just observing. There was probably little else that the Fed could have done given The Money Value of Time- March 24, 2008 You have, no doubt, heard the phrase "the time value of money". It means that a dollar in your hand today is worth more than a dollar in your hand a year from now. Why Because of what you can do with that dollar over the next year. You can invest that dollar in an interest bearing account and have $1.05 at the end of the year. If you decide to take your buck in a year, your opportunity No Job's Finished Until the Paperwork is Done- March 24, 2008 That time of year is quickly approaching... I'm talking about dreaded taxes! To make tax time easier this year and certainly next year, read on. As is the case with many other small business owners I've talked with, taxes, recordkeeping, and all that darned paperwork are the hardest and most unpleasant parts of running your own business. However, I have established a system for tracking my Rearrange Your Affairs For Maximum Tax Savings- March 24, 2008 One way to maximize your business profits is by reducing your taxes. Frequently, income and other taxes could be lowered significantly if only the taxpayer were willing to plan ahead. By taking some simple steps to rearrange your affairs, you could save a fortune! 1. Are You Splitting Your Business Income You may pay reasonable salaries to spouse or children through your incorporated or How To Start A Business When You Are Broke- March 24, 2008 The Profit Project Most plans for a new business require a lot of money. You have to buy equipment, rent space, hire employees, then play a myriad of bills that you never expected. That is great if you have a rich uncle or friends at the bank, or if you just cashed in your stock options from your job at Microsoft. But what about the rest of us The old "charge your way to wealth with credit How To Get Easy Loans With Bad Credit- March 24, 2008 Let's take a little break from your promotional activities and talk about the subject of financing. Financing an e-business and the related working capital is often overlooked by many entrepreneurs,but it's the oil that greases the wheels on which your total business runs. It's no surprise that many individuals seeking personal loans to start a business or for personal needs sometimes You Have More Money in Your Pocket Than You Think- March 24, 2008 You Have More Money in Your Pocket Than You Think... by Gabriel Nijmeh Let me be the first person to say, "Why wasn't I smarter with my money" I look back over the years in amazement at how my money "innocently" slipped through my hands. Ultimately, beyond those fleeting moments of gratification, I can't really say I have much to show for some of my misspent money. I certainly don't want to be It's Stocks, Not Markets, that Bring Investment Success- March 24, 2008 It's Stocks, Not Markets, that Bring Investment Success by Gabriel Nijmeh If you are fairly new to investing and looking for some guidance or if you are seasoned investor, let me introduce you to NAIC. National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) is a non- profit, tax exempt organization whose membership consists of investment clubs and individual investors. Founded in 1951, the mission Index Funds - Are they right for you- March 24, 2008 Index Funds - Are they right for you by Gabriel Nijmeh Indexing is an investment approach that seeks to match the investment returns of a stock or bond index. An investment manager tries to duplicate the target index by holding all the securities in the index. This is what is called a passive management approach which emphasizes broad diversification and low portfolio turnover. There are a |