Article TodayFinance.Investing as a sport- March 24, 2008 I said last week that money doesn't generally buy happiness, but the lack of it can buy absolute misery. This, by the way, is not just my personal observation. It is the conclusion of some of the most respected happiness researchers (Yes, there is such a thing -- read my book.) The trouble is that we have to pay attention to money more when we lack it than when we have it. This doesn't seem fair Staying Sane While Wall Street Crashes- March 24, 2008 Everybody is riding the Wall Street Roller coaster. Even if you are not invested, the headlines scream out one word: PANIC! It's hard not to join in the panicking. The Panic Crowd seems to be having all the fun these days. But they don't have all the happiness. You see, it's true what your mother told you: money doesn't buy happiness, at least not for most people. But the lack of money does buy The Individual 401k - BIG Business Benefits For The Home Business- March 24, 2008 Major mutual fund and investment management companies now offer self employed individuals 401k plans that are easy to install and administer at very low cost. What's more independent contractors and small business owners can borrow part of their retirement savings tax-free and penalty free by taking advantage of a loan provision in these new plans. Depending on who's offering them, these Q: As a result of my divorce, I'm left with more debt than I can handle. Is there an alternative to bankruptcy- March 24, 2008 One of the often-unintended consequences of divorce is the burdensome debt that was formerly handled by two, now to be handled by one. Creditors hold both spouses liable for debt incurred during the marriage. Any agreement between the spouses regarding who is responsible to pay the debt need not be recognized by the creditor. To avoid bankruptcy, one must become acquainted with bankruptcy law. Track The Tax Papers- March 24, 2008 Track The Tax Papers By: Janet L. Hall First let me tell you that I do not use a financial software package for my business at this time. I tired some and found that it was more time consuming for me then to simply put my receipts in organized folders and total them at the end of month or year. I also keep a very detailed check register and I don't find the need to re-enter this information into Top Strategies for Managing Debt during a Financial Crisis- March 24, 2008 To survive times of financial crisis, it is crucial to keep in mind the two most important imperatives. First, don't panic; second, set your priorities. A calm thoughtful approach to your family's evaluating necessities becomes your priority in today's tough economic times. Look at your monthly income (or average monthly income) and subtract from it you fixed costs of living. Fixed costs are Five Tips To Wiser Investing- March 24, 2008 One of the most common requests I receive is for investing help. In this article, I try to present just a few basic investing tips to remember when you plan for your future through investing. 1. Have a plan and know where you are going with your investments. If you don't have a plan, how will you know if you are on track The process of creating a plan includes determining your current financial How To Become A Millionaire In 7 Easy Steps- March 24, 2008 Who wants to be a millionaire Well if you want that million dollars, perhaps you'll get lucky enough to land a spot on ABC's popular game show bearing that name. Simply give the right answer to all the questions and you'll walk away with the million dollar prize. Or, you could get on a hot streak, pick the right 7 numbers and win the lottery. But unfortunately your chances of winning are 1 in TEN REASONS WHY MOST PEOPLE DO NOT ACHIEVE FINANCIAL SUCCESS- March 24, 2008 Reason One: Lack of knowledge: or more specifically, a lack of a desire to gain knowledge. Make the effort to read to read about financial matters and you will learn. make your money work for you by using the magic of compound interest a t 7% interest per year your money doubles after approximately 10 years and at 10 % interest after 7 years. Remember the rule of 72. Divide the interest into 72 THE STEPS TO FINANCIAL SUCCESS- March 24, 2008 Even in the "rich" developed nations of the world (most Western countries) 99 per cent of the population do not achieve financial success; because they lack the real commitment to achieve financial independence. I believe the reason for this is that most people are too busy earning a living to survive to really THINK about how to make "big money". Really use the unlimited power of your creative |