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Feed items 51 - 60 of 114 for March 2008

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Does Cocoa Have A Chance - March 24, 2008

While it has been hard to find a commodity in an uptrend lately, there is a new name on the list that may be due for higher prices. Just this month, cocoa broke above its four-year downtrend and appears to be holding its gains despite a slower outlook for the world economy. Why are cocoa prices rising There's a saying that the best cure for low prices is low prices and that is probably the best


An investment club is a group of people who meet at least once a month to increase their investment knowledge. They agree to contribute a predetermined amount of money which they then pool together to invest, typically, in the stock market. Depending on the extent of the trading knowledge of the members, monthly contributions can be modest, ranging between $20 and $50. Mostly, clubs of this

Funding Your Retirement: The 401K and 403B Way - March 24, 2008

Saving for your retirement doesn't have to be a nightmare as long as you are aware of your options. For now, we're focusing on 401K and 403B retirement plans. These two plans are essentially the same except that for-profit companies use 401Ks and non-profit companies, such as the government, use 403Bs. An employee contributes to a 401K plan with pretax salary. This means that this account


Q) My small business has grown over the past year, but with the growth I also have more past due accounts. This is the first year I've had these problems. Am I doing something wrong Tom S., Boulder, CO Dear Tom: There's an old saying "If you don't have accounts receivables - why not" I don't know enough about your billing procedures to know if you're doing anything wrong, but let me start by

Six Things That You Should Know About Grain Prices Every Year - March 24, 2008

In a few short months, the ground will thaw and planting will begin. Along with the change in season will come an abundance of market opinions (mostly bullish) about where prices are headed this year. Before you get swept away with all the different analyses, there are six things about grain prices that you should keep in mind every year. One: Farming is one of the most competitive business

Your Best Tax Strategy - Start a Side-Business - March 24, 2008

I'm busy enough! I don't have time to start a business! What good would it do me anyway Well, having your own business is one of the best ways to save money on taxes and considering that many of you just finished paying Uncle Sam all your wages from January to May 2000, I thought you might be interested in this topic. Consider this example. If you work for someone else (as in a JOB), your

Financing Your Business Venture - March 24, 2008

Many small businesses were born during the recession of 2001. One key reason is that during a recession period overhead costs tend to be lower. Still the time comes when a business needs to ascend to higher ground and reach a larger group of consumers. This presents the challenge of finding money to finance your marketing plan. As with any major financing transaction one needs to be prepared with

How To Divorce Like You Are Buying A TV - March 24, 2008

The facts are that 75% of all US and 50% of all Canadian marriages end in divorce. Divorce is rated number two on the scale of the most life altering stressors. During this difficult time you have to deal with everything thrown at you, all at once. It is a difficult, confusing and intimidating time to say the least. Initiated or not, both spouses are put in the situation of requiring a lawyer,

Ten Tips for Cleaning Off Your Desk and Keeping it Clean! - March 24, 2008

Ten Tips for Cleaning Off Your Desk and Keeping it Clean! By: Janet L. Hall On July 15, 1993 Walter S. Mossberg, the author and creator of the weekly "Personal Technology" column in The Wall Street Journal, was quoted as saying: "The promise of the 'paperless office,' and home where documents are entirely created, distributed, read and stored on computers, has been about as reliable as the

ASSET PROTECTION - Can You Bank On Your Haven - March 24, 2008

There are more offshore banking havens than you can shake a stick at. Nicholas Pullen tells you how to separate the wheat from the chaff, and make sure the haven you choose is really a safe-house for your money. There are definite and strong advantages to placing some of your hard-earned money in offshore bank accounts: First of all you get protection against your government. Nobody knows what
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