Article TodayFinance.Words Alone Can't Explain This Stock Market- March 24, 2008 Last week, I read that the folks at Oxford English Dictionary had a slate of American English words for consideration in future editions. Apparently, because of its international influence via the entertainment industry, America is the prime source of new entries into the language (I guess it's good to see the country still has some influence, because there are very few areas that our global THE REASONS FOR FINANCIAL FAILURE- March 24, 2008 "Money can't buy you happiness. But it helps you to be miserable in comfort." Why do people not achieve financial success Reason One: Lack of knowledge: or more specifically, a lack of desire to gain knowledge. Make the effort to read about financial matters and you will learn. Many people don't know where to go for unbiased advice so they do nothing. Reason Two: Failure to set plans. Did you Asset Sales - How to Get Money For Assets When You Need Funds- March 24, 2008 If you need to sell off assets in order to bring in funds, see what you have of value to someone else. There are options you can use when you are looking for a buyer. One option, though not recommended, is to pawn the item. If you can make an arrangement to buy it back, this might be a good option for you, but beware - it's hard to find a reputable person in this arena. Another option is to Get Your Fundraisers Going NOW! Start Earning Immediately!- March 24, 2008 Fundraisers - it's the perfect time to figure out which items or services you will be promoting. Very few are running fundraisers in the summer - it's a great time to get started before the competition hits! At least you should figure out your strategy now, even if you are waiting for the end of summer to get started. You might find you are better off to try a new product, instead of A Dream Retirement Or A Rude-Awakening To Financial Reality- March 24, 2008 It would be fair to say that most people will find their incomes at least halved the instance they retire from the workforce. The bombshell is dropped when suddenly discovering they lack the cash flow to do the things they had always dreamed of doing in retirement. Sadly, what looked like being a dream retirement becomes a rude awaking to financial reality. Will you be any different Well, Scream First, Ask Questions Later- March 24, 2008 NEW YORK, NY - Back in March, I asked whether investors were prepared to get to the bottom of Wall Street's Pandora's box. The response that I received from most readers in the US was that of outrage. They were appalled that I would suggest that the problems were so bad that in the end we'd wished that the lid had been kept on. I think their response was part patriotism (or in this case maybe Quick Facts on Disability Insurance- March 24, 2008 Quick Facts About Disability Insurance The sole purpose of individual disability insurance is to replace your after-tax income in the event of an accident or illness. These policies do not provide protection from medical expenses or recovery of damages for "pain and suffering". Since the benefit payments are designed to be income tax-free, insurance coverage in the amount of 23 of your Will This Gift Keep On Giving- March 24, 2008 Was last week a gift from the heavens Is the worst over These are the questions that everyone is asking himselfherself as we head into a new week with a head of steam and a northerly directional bias. Have the rains cleared, has the lava cooled Or was last week a sick joke of nature, sort of like the duck-billed platypus Was it only natural that the markets finally rebounded I know I'm Tax Treatment for Coverdale IRAs- March 24, 2008 A number of publications, including my own, have mistakenly reported over the past year that Coverdale IRAs, formerly known as Education IRAs, are tax deductible. Coverdale IRAs are not tax-deductible. Originally the concept of education IRAs was meant to provide a tax-deductible benefit that would defer taxes on contributions until the time of withdrawal, but the accounts were limited in size Update on Student Health Plans- March 24, 2008 A highly effective but little-known strategy for controlling medical insurance costs will become a bit less attractive after September 1 when the nation's leading issuer of medical insurance raises rates for policyholders over age 29. This change primarily affects self-employed individuals who maintained their own health insurance plans after graduation from college. Students who purchase |