Article TodayFinance.How Much Do You Spend- April 4, 2008 Most of us don't have a clue how much money we spend and what we spend it on. We spend it until it's gone and hopefully we can find some more to spend. The conventional wisdom is that, if you want to know the details of where your money goes, you keep track of every penny in some sort of ledger. This is by far the most effective way to handle this problem. By keeping track of your purchases you Tired Of Being Broke...Learn How To Force Banks To Give You Money!- April 4, 2008 magine...obtaining credit that's incredibly easy...opening doors of opportunity you never even considered being possible. Credit which will allow you to take the dream vacation of a lifetime, drive luxury cars, dress in the latest fashions, achieve the American dream of owning your own home, or even start your very own business. With these time-tested proven step by step strategies, all of this Top Ten Rules to Trading Success- April 4, 2008 There is no doubt that stock trading is getting very popular nowadays and it's the preferred vehicle for most people to make money. Almost every household talks about it. Most of them enter the market now and then. To be successful in the trading game, there are some rules to follow. By violating the rules, you will definitely on the losing side of the game. Regardless of all the trading books Are You Financially Fit- April 4, 2008 When it comes to health, you go for a medical checkup to see if you're physically fit. The medical report will tell everything about your health. But when it comes to wealth, it's as important that you do a regular checkup for your financial health. You need to know where you are financially before you decide what you want to achieve financially. What do you do to ascertain your level of Avoid Losing Your Home to a Bank Foreclosure- April 4, 2008 Are you facing the prospect of losing your home in a bank foreclosure Many who are experiencing a temporary financial squeeze will withdraw cash out of their IRA in order to save their home. Getting a loan from your retirement account may be a smarter way to go than taking an IRA distribution. As with most people your home and retirement savings probably represent the bulk of your available Tax Filing 101: It's Never Too Early To Procrastinate- April 4, 2008 For all you procrastinators out there, here's a nuts 'n bolts guide on how to legally postpone the filing of your Year 2002 income tax returns. When it comes to putting things off, you can never plan too far ahead! In many cases the IRS allows you to file a 'no-questions- asked' extension form. Which particular form you file depends on what type of entity your business happens to be. 5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Get A Big Tax Refund- April 4, 2008 I will never forget the day one of my tax clients came to pick up his personal income tax return. "How's it look" he asked. "Well," I said, "You're getting a refund." "Great! How much" "Oh, it's a big one," I said. "Over $5,000 dollars." Mr. Taxpayer couldn't have been happier. He face lit up like a light bulb. He was ecstatic -- he sincerely believed that he had "beat the tax man" by Find a Methodology and Minimize Investment Madness- April 4, 2008 There are many reasons to be investing these days, and too much opportunity to not have your money working for you. However, I believe the majority of people dread having to deal with investment matters, and tend to jump into purchases and then hold their breath hoping for the best. After a long day at work and taking care of the family, it's hard to get excited about reading up on your 401(k) Should You Really Be Investing or NOT- April 4, 2008 Should You Be Investing Work vs. Investing Let's say "little capital" means something like $10,000. Suppose you invest that in the stock market. You pick your own stock by watching finance channels, reading financial statements online, and keeping ahead on the news events. You diligently work 2 extra hours per day on these investing activities. And you make 15% annually which is well above Your Income Tax Refund: Sofa, Pecs, or Freedom- April 4, 2008 Your Income Tax Refund: Sofa, Pecs, or Freedom What will your tax refund 'buy' for you this year A lovely sofa Perfect Pecs Freedom I hate to admit it, but I almost bought the Pecs. I opened a colorful brochure that caught my eye... And, there it was... the perfect way to invest my refund: in myself -- with my very own home gym! Who doesn't deserve those Abundant Abs, that perfectly |