Article TodayFinance.Bankers in Denial- April 8, 2008 Denial is a ubiquitous psychological defense mechanism. It involves the repression of bad news, unpleasant information, and anxiety-inducing experiences. Judging by the German press, the country is in a state of denial regarding the waning health of its economy and the dwindling fortunes of its financial system. Commerzbank, Germany's fourth largest lender, saw its shares decimated by more than Buy and Hold: How to Perpetuate Your Investment Losses- April 8, 2008 A recent cartoon in my daily newspaper showed two guys sitting in a bar. One is saying to the other: "I did learn something from my to diversify my investment losses." While this struck me as funny, there is certainly an element of truth to it judging by the number of tragic e-mails and phone calls I have received over the past couple of years. This was brought home even more so by How Your Credit Report Affects You- April 8, 2008 I never thought much about my credit before. It wasn't until I was in the process of buying my first home was my credit really called into question. When I first spoke with my mortgage lender was first real wake up call I had. He then proceeded to give me some useful information about credit that I would like to share with you. There are three major different credit reporting agencies. They Stop Debt Collectors Cold and get Back on Your Financial Feet- April 8, 2008 As a consumer law attorney who counsels people with debt problems, I've heard my share of horror stories about debt collectors. For example, a college student client was threatened that she'd be arrested if she did not pay a credit card debt, and another client was called 12 times in one day at work about a debt that was 14 years old. If they knew their rights, these people could have avoided the The Power of Cash- April 8, 2008 Recognizing the psychological power of cash has changed this client's way of thinking and helped her realize true, measurable results in her efforts to eliminate debt. Here's how.... Five months ago, Jennifer came to me with over $32,000 in debt. She was barely able to make her monthly minimum payments, and was charging groceries and other necessities on her cards. After we reviewed and Legislators Ponder New Credit Protection Laws- April 5, 2008 Legislators in Washington, D.C. are considering several credit-related consumer protections as outlined in The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 (H.R. 2622). If approved, consumers could benefit from the most wide-ranging changes to the rules covering consumers and credit in decades. One of the most important changes would be the right to receive a free annual copy of your credit Residual Income- April 5, 2008 Hi, Peter Owen, Director and founder of Tall Oak Limited. We have produced this article to give you a quick insight into how to receive a second income or replace your present income. The key to securing your future and reaching your goals is called a residual income. Residual income flows into your bank account day after day, year after year for work you did 6 months ago. Sounds Good! Great Financial Freedom = Delayed Gratification- April 5, 2008 What is delayed gratification Do you stop to wonder It appears that the self storage industry is growing out of control. Even worse, it is people who have a place called home that are using these places to a great extent. I was listening to an interesting program on the radio that was discussing this issue. I must say that I was surprised and shocked. I always thought that these places were Preparing a Budget- April 5, 2008 Ok, you say, I know I need a budget, but how do I prepare one The most common budget period is one year, but this can vary depending on whether or not your business has seasonal or cyclical fluctuations. For example if you run a Christmas decorations shop, or a costume shop your business is going to peak during certain times of the year. The budgeting process usually begins with the collection Need Additional Business Funds Stop Right There!- April 5, 2008 Looking for additional capital to fund your next marketing campaign or to expand your business. Hold It! Stop right there. Small business owners seeking additional marketing funds may only need to look no further than there own back yards. And in this particular case their own homes and driveways as well. How so The next best thing to looking for funds is saving money. Before venturing off to |