Article TodayFinance.SWOT Analysis- April 8, 2008 If you've ever listened to Warren Buffett talk about investing, you've heard him mention the idea of a company's moat. The moat is a simple way of describing a company's competitive advantage. A strong competitive advantage, or a wide moat, gives a company sustainability, which, as investors, we're highly interested in. In this article, we review a popular tool for evaluating competitive 12 Steps To Financial Freedom- April 8, 2008 Yes, you are welcome and you are at the right place at the right time. You have come to a point where you need to take a decision. You have to sit down and reflect on a number of issues. (1) You cannot derive lasting fulfillment by working for money instead of discovering why you are here on planet earth and putting every energy in you to achieving that purpose. (2)Your decision is to take How To Make Your Dollars Work For You- April 8, 2008 Before a person can even take the first step toward making a fortune, you must know yourself as an investor. Before you can even start, you must come to task with where you stand at the present time and before trying to chart a path, design a plan or determine a course of action, you must first know the locations and dimensions of the starting point. Without Question; The most important question TOP 10 WAYS TO AVOID DEBT DURING THE HOLIDAYS- April 8, 2008 The Debt Trap: How Your Life Choices Impact on Your Financial Future 1. NEVER use your credit card if you don't have the money in the bank. 2. WRITE one check in advance for the money you allocate for gifts, and write a list of what you purchase and the cost of each purchase without exceeding the budget. 3. IF you can't afford to buy gifts, bake or hand make crafts that don't throw you into Don't Let The Holidays Detour You From Your Financial Goals- April 8, 2008 Do you dread going to your mailbox and finding yet another credit card bill Do you find yourself worrying about how you'll pay your bills from one month to the next Guess what You're not alone. Almost half the households in America report having difficulty paying their minimum monthly payments on credit card bills and other debts. We have become a nation hooked on credit. Recent government The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 2- April 8, 2008 At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true. Some of you may have heard of these ideas before, others may be entirely new to you. But whether you are familiar with these super secrets or not, it will be well worth your while to 97% Of American Homeowners Overpay Their Lender In Mortgage Interest Every Month.- April 8, 2008 If you own a home, have just re-financed or are shopping for a mortgage, you'll be outraged. Housing: Americans across the country were shocked to hear of a new poll that states 97% of homeowners here in America are overpaying millions of dollars each month in mortgage interest. The National poll was conducted last month to determine how many homeowners take advantage of the prepayment loophole Don't Overpay for a House, Even in Today's Market- April 8, 2008 If there's one thing American investors love, it's an over-inflated market. Which is why they keep buying houses and new ones keep coming onto the market. According to the latest data, housing starts rose an annualized 3.4% in September, matching a 17-year high. Whoo-ha! Go, baby go. I wonder if the people buying these houses, for ever-rising prices, are the same people who couldn't get enough Five Tips for Analyzing an Income Statement- April 8, 2008 In today's article, we'll be looking at the income statement, which is the most deceptively simple of the major financial statements. I say simple because it's just a list of all the revenue, minus all the expenses, to calculate what's left over in profit. It's no more difficult than putting your family budget together, right That's where the deceptive part of the description comes in. The Prospering with Mutual Funds: How anyone can "Afford" an Investment Advisor- April 8, 2008 Recently I was invited to appear on a live CNNfn television show to discuss my article "How to evaluate Load vs. No Load Mutual Funds." (You can read that article on my website http:www.successful-investment.comarticles21.htm) As the producer and I were working out the logistics of my appearance, she mentioned in passing that "most people can't afford an investment advisor." While that |