The Privacy / Rights ProjectGeneral privacy resources for the individual user - proxies, privacy alerts, discussion of privacy issues, etc.EDRI-gram newsletter - Number 6.15, 30 July 2008- July 31, 2008 ============================================================ EDRI-gram biweekly newsletter about digital civil rights in Europe Number 6.15, 30 July 2008============================================================Contents============================================================EDRi receives a 15Keuros donation from XS4ALL and its customers1. Extension of the copyright term for performers and record producers2. France: more than 50 000 signatures against EDVIGE3. University... EFFector 21.25: Internet Censorship Law Struck Down Yet Again- July 30, 2008 EFFector Vol. 21, No. 25 July 25, 2008 editoreff.orgA Publication of the Electronic Frontier FoundationISSN 1062-9424: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :In our 478th issue: IN ANOTHER DEFINITIVE WIN FOR FREE SPEECH ONLINE, a USCourt of Appeals struck down the Child Online ProtectionAct of 1998 (COPA), an Internet censorship law that wouldhave violated the First Amendment by restricting protectedspeech among adults. This represents the third time thatthe Third Circuit has.. EFFector 21.24: Looking Back, Moving Forward -- The Continuing Fight Against Telecom Immunity- July 19, 2008 EFFector Vol. 21, No. 24 July 17, 2008 editoreff.orgA Publication of the Electronic Frontier FoundationISSN 1062-9424: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :In our 477th issue: THOUGH CONGRESS PASSED IMMUNITY FOR TELECOM LAWBREAKERSLAST WEEK, EFF recognizes that the year-long battle wasmade possible by record-breaking resistance from a fearlesscadre of organizations and individuals. This resulted infar more opposition than immunity proponents werebargaining for when they... Help EFF Continue the Fight Against Warrantless Wiretapping!- July 17, 2008 Dear Friend of Freedom,In a move that I can only describe as cowardice, Congressjust passed legislation meant to immunize telephonecompanies for their illegal, disloyal, and irresponsiblebehavior. EFF has been fighting against telecom immunity,and we need your help to bring the fight to the next level:http:secure.eff.orgwiretappingTwo and a half years ago, EFF sued AT&T on behalf of itscustomers, seeking to hold the telecom giant responsiblefor its craven complicity in the White House's... EDRI-gram newsletter - Number 6.14, 16 July 2008- July 17, 2008 ============================================================ EDRI-gram biweekly newsletter about digital civil rights in Europe Number 6.14, 16 July 2008============================================================Contents============================================================1. Vote in the EP committees on the Telecom Package2. Dutch University sued to stop publishing research on chip technology3. Russian blogger sentenced for comments on the blog4. Copiepresse attacks EC... EFFector 21.23: Senate Caves and Passes Telecom Immunity- July 13, 2008 EFFector Vol. 21, No. 23 July 9, 2008 editoreff.orgA Publication of the Electronic Frontier FoundationISSN 1062-9424: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :In our 476th issue: IN A TRAGIC, SHAMEFUL AFFRONT TO THE US CONSTITUTION, THESENATE APPROVED THE FISA AMENDMENTS ACT passed by the Houselast month. The bill radically expands the president'sspying powers and grants immunity to phone companies thatcooperated in the illegal warrantless wiretapping program.Many senators... |